Thursday, October 9, 2008

This is an update.

I've been on my own now for a little more than two months, this freedom I've felt is amazing and liberating. Liberating in the sense that I am released from all that was holding me back from taking those steps in the direction I personally wanted to go in life... to find myself I guess you could say. I have a peace knowing that I am no longer subject to the influence of friends, family and acquaintances that I've known throughout my life. Instead of feeling obligated to appease others, I can focus on those inner desires of mine to grow and flourish in all the areas I was almost afraid to let people see, I suppose. I've always been worried about what people thought of me and the choices I made. Now that I don't have those people around me that I've been so close to, I have the chance to grow without having to worry about any interfering persuasion - not at all to say I'm not grateful for the people placed throughout my life. Of coarse I still have a few people nearby that can keep me in check, which is good for someone so prone to drifting away from reality. I'm just thankful I've been able to draw closer to God through my reading and time spent talking with him. It's helped me to enjoy the days more and appreciate these things I've been given. Peace doesn't seem as unrealistic as it used to any more.