Thursday, September 18, 2008

I hate to get involved in politics, but....

Through the political outspokenness of multiple acquaintances online I've been watching videos and reading blogs, etc. on why Sarah Palin would be such a bad choice for our country. The thing that confuses me is that the majority of these accusations have to do with her extensive support for aerial hunting and anything involving her stance on animals. What I don't understand is why this woman being so obsessed with hunting discredits her ability to help run a country. Out of all the horrible things a vice presidential candidate could be doing, killing animals doesn't seem to be the worst thing there is. Is this really that big of a deal or is it just some desperate attempt to tarnish her image? Maybe I'm just not seeing it, but it seems way blown out of proportion to me. If there's something terribly wrong with this woman, I think it would be good for me to know, yes. But I don't see how animal hunting (whether she hunts them cruelly or compassionately) changes the way she will affect my state of being as a US citizen. I've never fully comprehended the animal rights movement, and I don't believe I ever will; which I think is why this confuses me so much. Because I can't see how animal rights and human right are interrelated.

I'm sure I will be seeing plenty more reasons why not to vote for this person or that in the next few months. I just don't plan on voting period. I'm not interested in voicing who I think should run our country. That's not up to me. I'm fine with sitting back and simply watching this all unfold. Personally, I think it's much more enjoyable that way.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Weekend Exploring

Sarah, Mallory and I went on a big adventure around Portland this weekend. They were up visiting from Simi so I took them around to see how great this place is. Mallory really wanted to find this volcano she heard about, so we did our best to search around and see what we could find. It turns out it's Mt. Tabor park. And it turns out the crater we were searching for wasn't really there; if it was then we didn't find it. We hiked to a place that we were satisfied considering the top, then climbed back down to go find some lunch. It was awesome getting to see familiar faces and have a good time with friends from California. Now I know some good places to have a picnic.

Check out the highlights in my Facebook album.

This is Post One

Hello world. I've been told I'd be good at blogging. I do have profound thoughts from time to time. Much of the time my thoughts are tainted with overthinking, excessive attempts at grandeur, and silliness. If the thought gets past those filters, it most likely gets swallowed up by my enslavement to self-consciousness. We will see if anything good comes of this. I hope my thoughts intrigue you rather than insult you. And if it insults you, let's hope it's for the betterment of us all.